

Financial contributions make it possible for The READ Center to offer literacy classes and tutoring to students free of charge. Your gift will make a difference in the life of someone who struggles to read to a child, to read the newspaper, to read street signs and medical directives or to complete a job application.

Give to The READ Center today by clicking the Donate Today button below or by sending a check to The READ Center at 5211 W. Broad St., Ste. 102, Richmond VA 23230.

You can also join our monthly giving club, The READ Center Literacy Supporters by clicking on monthly giving when you donate on line or setting up monthly donations on your bill pay.

Everyone needs and deserves a literate life. Your support makes a difference.

Giving At Work

Many businesses support employees through matching gifts for monetary contributions and/or for volunteer hours. If you give to READ, your company may match it and double your impact. Check with your manager or human resources department to see if your company will match your contributions.

To contribute through your employer’s United Way program, please designate The READ Center as your agency of choice. 

If you participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign, please consider selecting The READ Center to receive your donation. The READ Center CVC code is 100098.


The READ Center is grateful for the support of all our generous community partners—caring individuals, businesses and foundations who recognize the critical importance of helping adults improve their literacy. Our donors are businesspeople who see the value in helping their employees develop their skills; educators who believe that everyone deserves a chance to succeed; and parents who want their adult neighbors to have the same opportunities afforded to their own children. Consider joining them with a gift to The READ Center.

 “I want to be loved and respected by people. It will mean so much to me. What does it take to get this in the world today? Reading I join reading class in the fall of September for Tuesday and Thursday. Want to be a good reader. And I been coming for four years. I want to go to college some day.” By Hiram H.

Remember READ in your Estate Plans

The READ Center is grateful for your support. If you would like to continue supporting The READ Center for years to come, consider adding READ to your estate plan. Remembering READ in your will, through a trust, or through life insurance helps to keep READ’s literacy programs going strong in the future. It does not require a large income or vast estate, just the thoughtful intention to continue your commitment to READ Center students. A bequest can be made in the form of a specific gift of cash or property, or a percentage of the remainder of an estate.


Purchase a READ Center t-shirt!

With the purchase of this shirt you are supporting READ’s mission of changing lives through adult literacy and advocating for those in the community who are on the journey towards a literate life. Because everyone needs and deserves a literate life.

Shop For READ

Are you a Kroger shopper? Consider adding The READ Center as your community rewards recipient. Every time you shop at Kroger, The READ Center receives a donation based on how much you spend. The READ Center’s code is QU678.  Learn more and sign up here.