by Kady Salmon, Board Member and Tutor at READ

At the end of 2019, I finally made the plunge into one-on-one tutoring and to say I was intimidated would be an understatement! I am currently on month 3 and it could not be a more rewarding experience. The motivation of my student encourages me to find new ways to challenge her in each session. She arrives each week eager to learn something new and is proud of her completed homework (that she insists I assign!). I truly am vested in her success and am excited to be on this journey with her.

Literacy is something I know that I have taken for granted. Being able to share my knowledge and to influence the growth of another’s education is so humbling. As a Board member, when I speak to others about my experience and the message this organization puts forth, it isn’t difficult to see the light turn on in others. There are so many programs out there for our children which are so vital and important to this community. However, what happens to the children that slip through unnoticed or just simply got by in the education system? They grow up into adults with the same struggles.

The READ Center focuses on a niche we have tended to neglect. Adults need help too. The ones that are strong enough to ask for help should be granted access to it. Honestly, making the steps to change is the most difficult part. The drive and determination our students must have to learn the 976 thousand different English rules is remarkable and noteworthy. More than once, I have found myself fumbling over how to explain why or how I know how to pronounce a word a specific way. It’s like teaching an adult a new language. It’s a lot easier when you’re younger and the older you get, the more challenging it really is.

The READ Center fosters the most positive experience for both the tutor and the student. My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner!

The READ Center is changing lives through adult literacy. For more information on how you can get involved with The READ Center, consider volunteering as a tutor or donating. If you or someone you know would like more information about joining our classes, learn how to become a student or call 804-288-9930.