Tuesday, October 24th is United Nations Day. UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter.

In honor of the UN’s important role as a force for good on a global scale, we are highlighting the many countries our adult literacy learners hail from. The majority of READ Center students are native English speakers, but we are proud of our ELL learners (English language learners*). READ students were born in:

  • Colombia
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Ethiopia
  • Gambia
  • Guatemala
  • Jamaica
  • Liberia
  • Senegal
  • Sudan
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Vietnam
Adama, a READ Center student receives citizenship
Former READ Center student, Adama, receives US citizenship.

Stories from our students:

I Wish
by Momaht G.

I wish now that I had gone to school earlier in life. I’d have the knowledge to help me. In Senegal I only went to grade eleven. Then I started farming with my dad. When I was 22 I came to the United States. Now I come to The READ Center. I want to read and write better. It will make my life easier.

I Remember
by Marie G.

I remember my journey to the U.S. I was so scared. It was a nerve racking experience. I remember being on my own. I have no idea about anything. I don’t know how to read at that time at all, it was not easy for me. I remember just following the crowd, the people that got off the plane with me. At this point I could not read or write but I could understand and speak English so that was a blessing. So I am thankful for The READ Center for the opportunity they have given to me. Wonderful people giving their time to make my life better.

The Best Thing About the USA
by Somaia

I came to the USA for a good life and freedom. I met my husband here. I’m so glad to be married to him. He took me to travel in the USA. I saw different places that I really enjoyed. I have a nice, good, and wonderful life. I thank God for this life. I like to learn English speaking, writing and reading because I would like to learn about the American culture. Also I would like to live in the USA because it is very different from Egypt. Someday I would like to get a job.

*READ Center does not provide English-language speaking instruction, but can provide reading and writing tutoring to fluent speakers. Learn more about becoming a READ Center student here.